CALNDR.VBX Calendar custom control V1.02 Calendar custom control was my attempt to test the CDK, SDK co-operation level. It works, quite well! The control has the following properties and events. Properties ---------- 1. NAME Design time only. Standard VB INDEX Design time only. Standard VB TAG Standard VB 2. DISPLAY Run time only. BOOL At run time call this property by setting it to TRUE or FALSE to display or close the calendar. Successive calls of this property with the same value will be ignored. i.e. An open calendar will ignore DISPLAY = TRUE. ABOUT Design time only. A bit of self appraisal. TODAY Design time only. STRING This property will return the current date displayed as the calendar title or NULL if calendar was not active. This property holds the current date. Event ------ calndr1_cToday (cDay As Integer, cMonth As Integer, cYear As Integer) As the calendar rolls the current DD/MM/YY is return via this event. Let me know what U think about it. I'm on CompuServe 100423,363 Siamak Shams 01/01/95